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Seruan Dari Konferensi APSAT Internasional 2023 : Berkolaborasi Menyambut Percepatan Transformasi Digital Konektivitas, kolaborasi dan diferensiasi menjadi beberapa isu utama yang mengemuka dalam APSAT International Conference yang digelar di Jakarta, 30 & 31 Mei 2023 ini. Dalam konferensi bertajuk ‘Towards Sustainable Satellite Ecosystem’ ini, para pelaku bisnis satelit memahami beragamnya tantangan yang harus dihadapi dalam memetakan dan…

Industry 4.0 is a promising approach based on the integration of the business and manufacturing processes, according to Angela Merkel on the World Economic Forum (WEF) four years ago. Professor Klaus Schwab, a German economist who coined the term Industry 4.0, also stated the same. He said that traditional thinking would not work anymore. Germany…

The era of IoT is coming and the world’s getting ready to embrace it. Let’s see how Indonesia, Singapore, and Japan implement Internet of Things and how the deployment affects the citizens daily life. Indonesia Since 2017, the Indonesian government has been introducing and promoting the “100 smart cities” initiative. The objective was to develop a hundred different…

For eleven years dealing with and walking alone in IoT business, now IoT to become the next big. Self-sustaining The recent Asia IoT Business Platform exhibition held on August 28-29, 2018 left me a different impression as I felt a strong spirit and vibes spread out the air during the event this year. Imani Prima…

To answer the increasing needs of data integration for realizing smart mobility in the transportation sector, PT Imani Prima to begin the trial of the connected vehicle system which is also a multi-function edge computing platform fit for all types of vehicles. ———————————- Trust Me IoT is Simple! In the past five years, PT Imani…

PT Imani Prima, Indonesia’s leading IT and Telecommunication service provider, for the first time will surely participate at Asian IoT Business Platform taking place in Jakarta this year. M2M and middleware are the featuring services Imani Prima will present at the outstanding event. PT Imani Prima’s involvement in Asian IoT Business Platform taking place on…

Each month, Plaza Pondok Gede II has to pay around Rp1.2 billion for power consumption, and the highest goes to Air Conditioner. Since using PrimaSaver for about four (4) months, it has successfully conserved 20% energy. Excellent! Watch the testimony of Plaza Pondok Gede II Technical Coordinator, Bambang Suratman:

A great combination of the rocky Alp Mountain in Switzerland and the cutting-edge technology of European Rail Traffic Management System resulting in a mind-blowing work. There stand still, the sophisticated and magnificent Gotthard Base Tunnel. Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is the new icon in Switzerland. It was wholly operated two years ago on 11 December…

IoT trends continue to grow. It is not only about modernism but also how its capability to accommodate all life sectors to become more straightforward and beneficial. Connectivity is an integral part of IoT goal. In communication, this technology allows people in remote areas to always connected to each other. In business side, for instances,…

Innovation is the critical answer for country’s advancement. When a nation focuses and opens to this term, it will bear fruit which so-called sovereignty. One of the barometers for country’s advancement is the availability of accessible public services including the now-most-needed thing in the world, technology. Thus, the key to open sovereignty is the innovation…















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